
Chapter 1?

Wavena Whiterapid looked stoically toward the south. She'd noticed a number more campfires at the border of Ivyvale Forest than she'd previously remembered seeing in all her years as a Protector. She set her jaw and inflated the air sac in her neck just enough to gently call for her cohort. Two of the lot, Protector Wembly and Protector Wiltshire, smoothly crawled their way up to Protector Whiterapid's post, saluted her, and waited for further details.

"Is it just me *ribbit* or does it seem a force is amassing at the southern border?"

"Yeah I'd say something unusual is happening down there," gurbled Protector Wembly.

"I've been telling you guys for months that something bad is gonna happen. Bleep has been warning us all and nobody else will heed him," sighed an exasperated Protector Wiltshire. "We need to investigate this. One of us should head to the Watershed and confirm everything is alright."

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